La crêpe galante
Photos and other creations by Henning Christiansen

Tribute to circus artist Tetiana Korenieva

Her acrobatic act is the best I have ever seen. It combines virtuosity, elegance, beauty, sexuality and poetry in an exceptional way ... in short, great art!

These photos were taken on July 30, 2018. – on August 1, she had a terrible fall, but she survived. Sadly, my photos are likely the last serious photos of her performance.

Go to this donation page to read more set up by Sebastian Hofmann.
For any substantial donation, I will consider offering you a signed high-quality print as a gift, size up to A2. Contact me using the button below!

Click one of the small pictures to enter the gallery to see larger versions.

Tetiana Korenieva was born and grew up in Ukraine, she was fascinated by circus and acrobatics and started her training at the age of four. She is educated at the prestigious Kiev Municipal Academy of Variety and Circus Arts. She was 24 when the accident happened.

These eight photos have been exhibited at Roskilde University Library, November 1, 2019 until February 27, 2020.

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