La crêpe galante
Photos and other creations by Henning Christiansen

About this website

I take photos because I like it, and at a certain stage, several people has said nice things about my pictures and suggested that I should present them for a wider audience. So far this has resulted in a number of exhibitions and this website. I have no professional background in photography (and no ambitions of going in that direction!).
See also a personal statement on my artistic approach (in Danish) for at an exhibition at Roskilde Kunstforening, 2023:  Link.

I spend my working life as a university professor of computer science at Roskilde University; take a look

This site opened June 2017.

All rights reserved

I maintain copyright on all photos on this site (unless explicitly stated otherwise). If you are interested in a permission to use one or more of these photos, please go to the contact page.



No, I am not ...

I have nothing to do with the famous Fluxus artist Henning Christiansen (1932-2008). In fact, we are tons of people sharing that name, especially in Denmark, Norway and Northern Germany.

Why this name for a website, La crêpe galante?

Why not? La crêpe galante sounds nice – and all short URLs and variations of my name are anyhow taken.


This site does not use cookies, you and your clicks are not tracked, and no "free" analytics tool is used for giving your information to who-may-know whom and who-may-know for which purpose in the end.

However, I cannot control the webhotel hosting this site. They provide a statistic function, so I can see from which parts of the world this website have been accessed and when. So, who knows, maybe they collect more information for themselves (and for who-may-know whom) than they ought to.

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